Topic management

Round Robin can help you spread the news about your rotation status by setting the topic of one or more channels in Slack.

Enable topic management

You can enable the topic management inside the create/edit rotation window (or using the web dashboard).

The topic channels selector will let you choose the channels you would like to announce with the topic system. If you do not select any channel, the channel list from the rotation will be used instead (this is the default).

Topic templating

The app use a default template for the topic. For manual rotations, the topic looks like:

Round Robin says: %USER% is on duty for rotation %NAME% %UNTIL%.

For auto rotations, the default topic instead looks like this:

Round Robin says: %USER% is on duty for rotation %NAME%

If the rotation has a duty group enabled, the template will also have this sentence added at the end:

You can also ask for help using %DUTYHANDLE%.

You can customize the template using the web dashboard. In that case, you can use the replacement tokens to build a topic the way you like. For more details, check the templating and the message management section.

Keep in mind the topic does NOT support Slack markdown.

Clearing the topic

If you disable the topic management for a certain rotation, or if you delete a rotation that had the topic management enabled, the app will automatically clear the eventually set topics.

This will happen, however, only if the topic was in fact set by the app; if, in the meantime, someone else modified the topics, the clearing process will not happen to avoid overriding those changes.

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