Google Calendar sync
This feature requires PRO mode.
You can synchronise Round Robin with Google Calendar. The two main features are:
- Visualize your current and future duties directly in your Google Calendar;
- Use the OOO (Out of Office) functions of Google Calendar to inform Round Robin you will not be able to pick duty on a specific time/day and have Round Robin do the rest.
Connect to Google Calendar
To enable Google Calendar, go to Settings/Integrations and follow the procedure by clicking on "Connect to Google Calendar".
Manage Google Calendar
Once you are connected to Google Calendar, everything is automatic. It could be, however, you want to force certain actions due to missing events. In this case you have the following options.
- Refresh Google Calendar connection will force the connection process once more. Useful if you want to force a Google Token refresh.
- Disconnect Google Calendar will disable the functionality and remove all events from your calendar.
- Force sync will forcibly ask Round Robin to clear and recreate all Round Robin events in the calendar.
- Remove all rotation events will remove all events from the calendar but it will not recreate them again. All events will be synched again after the next rotation event.
Change the connected calendars
By default, Round Robin will use the calendar identified by your email address (your primary Google calendar). You can choose, however, to use different calendars, both for events and OOO data.
To do this, use the "Change active calendars for events and OOO" item from the Google connection dropdown.
You can use different calendars for Events and OOO data.
You cannot have OOO events in shared Google calendars. This is how Google works.
To overcome this limitation and allow teams that use shared calendars to still use them with Round Robin, if you select a calendar that is shared (so, not your primary calendar identified by your email address) we will sync EVENTS and we will consider them OOO.
You can filter those events and only choose things that matter, for example "only events with the word Vacation in it". Also, you need to be the creator or an invitee to that event.