Integrate PagerDuty with Round Robin

You can integrate PagerDuty and Round Robin in two ways: with an API key, or with an OAuth 2.0 authorization flow.

The API Key process is simpler and faster, but it will force you to manage a static credential.

The OAuth process is more secure, but the app will act as the logged in user. This means you need to be a PagerDuty Admin if you want all schedules and users to be visible.

Before connecting to PagerDuty, you need to authorize Round Robin to access the user:read:email scope. The process will be handled automatically during the login phase.

Integration Walkthrough with API Key

First, open PagerDuty, and generate an API key from the Integration menu. The key can be read-only.

Open the Round Robin web app and go to Settings using the left menu.

Settings Menu

Click on Integrations (Manage & Connect) button to open the integration panel.

Open Integrations

Click on "Login using an API Key".

Insert the API Key in the modal window and press Save. Connection is now established.

Integration Walkthrough with OAuth 2.0

To integrate with OAuth 2.0, you need first to generate a valid application in PagerDuty. Choose App Registration from the integrations menu.

Create an OAuth 2.0 application.

Choose Scoped OAuth and add the following Redirect URL:

The add the following scopes:

In the end, it should look like this:

Press Register App. You will receive a Cliend ID and a Client Secret. Do not lose them.

Open the Round Robin web app and go to Settings using the left menu.

Settings Menu

Click on Integrations (Manage & Connect) button to open the integration panel.

Open Integrations

Click on Login using OAuth 2.0. Inser the ClientID and the Client Secret in the login modal window.

Click Save. The login process will start. Just follow the PagerDuty instructions.

In the end, you will be redirected back to Round Robin.

How to Uninstall

To disconnect Round Robin and PagerDuty you need to access the Integration settings as Primary Owner or Admin.

Open the Round Robin web app and go to Settings using the left menu.

Settings Menu

Click on Integrations (Manage & Connect) button to open the integration panel.

Open Integrations

Click on the Connected to PagerDuty button to show the Disconnect from PagerDuty option. Click on it.

Click to disconnect

Confirm the disconnection by pressing Confirm in the confirmation modal.

Confirm to disconnect

All PagerDuty-bound rotations will revert to Manual.

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