Create or edit a rotation

Rotation is the main element around what Round Robin is about.

A rotation consists of a group of users (either directly added or added using a user group) who have to rotate to be on duty for something.

Create a rotation

The central Round Robin command is called /rr. You can use this command everywhere in the workspace, whether it's a private chat or a public channel.

The first time you use the bot, the output is the following:

To create a rotation, use the "Create" button.


You can also create a rotation using shortcuts. Look for "Create a rotation" in the shortcut menu!

There are several properties in rotation:

Name: you will see this everywhere to identify the rotation (mandatory). You can have multiple rotations with the same name, so choose wisely.

Description: you can add details to let the other rotation members understand what this is about (optional).

Duty Size (only for PRO mode): Decide how many people should go on duty at the same time.

Owners (only for PRO mode): owners are in charge of the rotation and are the only ones who can edit and change the rotation content and structure (one owner is mandatory, and you as creator or editor will always be part of it - this is to prevent losing access to the rotation if the last owner tries to kick himself out by accident).

Channels: every time a rotation change state, all those channels will be notified. In the selector, you can choose between all workspace public channels and all the private channels the bot is a member of.

Visibility: a private rotation is visible only by members and owners. By default a rotation is public. This options is available only in PRO mode.

Members: all the users who will be members of this rotation.

Groups: you can add one or more user groups to the rotation, and all the members of those groups will also be part of the rotation. Keep in mind the rotation structure will also change if the groups' composition changes. For example, if you add a user to the group, the group will be added to the rotation schedule, and vice versa.

Press Create, and this is what will happen. Just so you know, all messages are visible only to the user executing the action unless specified.

Edit a rotation

The editing process is the same as the Create one; the only difference is the modal window will be pre-populated with the current values associated with the rotation. You can change all properties.

Once you Save, the bot will return the current state of the rotation, as follows.

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